Information for Grain Producers and Shippers on U.S.-Canada Cross-Border Trade
A Resource for Producers and Exporters
On August 1, 2012, Canada implemented the Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act. The Act changed the way Western Canadian wheat and barley farmers market their grain by removing the mandatory requirement to market wheat and barley through the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB).
Since that time, a revision to this Act came in the form of provisions made through the United States, Mexico, and Canada Agreement (USMCA) that updated the previous NAFTA Agreement. This site will assist Commercial interests and US & Canada based producers in understanding the regulations, and areas of uncertainty that exist in cross-border trade of grains between the US and Canada.
This site will help you navigate the changes through a detailed and growing FAQ database. Select your role from the choices below to view detailed questions. Also, please feel free to submit questions to us online.
U.S. Producers
Questions and answers to assist U.S. grain producers.
Canadian Producers
Questions and answers to assist Canadian grain producers.
Comercial Grain Trade
Questions and answers to assist commercial grain traders.